
healthy eating my way (allergy friendly)

Booty workout 1

Before starting any exercise program always talk to your health care provider. If you feel light headed, dizzy or any un comfort do not continue with the exercise.  If you are new to exercise choose the lighter alternative, and lighter weights.

Always warm up before starting exercising:

Excample : 5 min skip rope or 5 min of jumpen jacks.

I  say the routine and the muscle groups  involved, click on the name of the exercise to get pictures. 

Excercise routine: x 3 times

If you are experienced the 3.time should be done with heavier weights.

1.Squat: 15 repetitions

Muscles involved: Glutes, quadriceps, abdominal, hamstrings, deltoid(especially on the one with weight over head).

2.Lunges: 15 repetitions on each leg

Muscles involved: Abdominal group, adductor group, quadricep group

3.Power lift: 10 repetitions

Muscles involved: Glutes, hamstring group, soleus, rotator cuff group(and  almost every other muscle there is in upper and lower body)

4.Stiff leg dead lift: 15 repetitions

Muscles  involved: Glutes, quadratus lumborum, lower back.

5. 4 kick burpee: 30 repetitions

Muscles involved: Biceps, triceps, chest muscles, glutes, hamstring group (+)

6. Core exercise with roll-up: 30 repetitions

Muscles involves:Biceps, triceps, chest muscles, glutes, hamstring group (+)

7.Kettlebell swing with squat: 30 repetitions

Muscles involved: Biceps, triceps, glutes, quadriceps, abdominal, hamstrings.

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